My first aquathon. There were 3 parts - 1 person swam 10 laps, the next ran a mile, and the last swam 10 laps. You can do it on your own, but we had a team.
This is my team - Angela, me and Diana
Me and my friends that came to participate from left to right Carol, Eric, Ileana, Angela, me, Diana and Hannah on the bottom
Our wonderful spectators left to right Sheni, Holly, Heather, Lolo, Jill, Ty, and Hannah
It was time for a new haircut, so i got one. I would have got the normal cut, but Heather wanted me to look gay see! I look gay...but I still love heather.
I want everybody out there to know that I love my wife Heather. I had to go to class the other day and Heather got me a card and chocolates, and as you can see, set them in a place or two that I would come across. Now I have a smile on my face all the time. I need to get her back for making me feel so good.